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Żadna inna księga nie wywarła takiego wpływu na ludzkość jak Biblia. Spisywało ją 45 ludzi na przestrzeni 1500 lat. Spisywali ludzie, ale dyktował Bóg. Dla porównania - Koran powstawał około 40 lat. –  mbchun tostall the pelew the peoto go with Prophet Without Manorhogged to j
 –  O SofThat dog wasn't going outwithout a fightCAN0
 –  SGAUTENintalPentium IIIProcessorinsidepentiumGNETMPM800PATENTIEHEherbeordIMMITDUMicrosoftSECONDEDITIONHows 98without Windows
 –  Reply to cqueens 95 commentdo that again withoutmusic
 –  This bee just took a preceof my chicken without evenasking.
Rozmiar zamówienia pasuje do rozmiaru domu, do którego dotarł. Łatwo nie było, ale dostał 100 dolarów napiwku. Należało mu się –  Reply to Jeremiah Mancias'scommentI want to know if hemade it to thedelivery withoutdropping them and ifthey tipped him ?
Każdy spacer musiał odbywać sięz przyszłą mamą –  My dog became so clingyafter I got pregnant andnow she refuses to go fora walk without me...
Ma 6000 stron, które symbolizują 6000 dzieci porwanych przez Rosjan z Ukrainy –  CRIMEPUNISHMENTwithoutnew russianclassics
 –  Bro can't fight without his hat
 –  Press Freedom Index 2023Good situationSatisfactory situation.Problematic situationDifficult situationVery serious situationmade with 23" | reuse 44,861 Norway2 Ireland3 Denmark4 Sweden5 Finland6 Netherlands7 Lithuania8 Estonia9 Portugal10 East Timor11 Liechtenstein12 Switzerland13 New Zealand14 Czechia15 Canada16 Latvia17 Slovakia18 Iceland.19 Samoa20 Luxembourg21 Germany22 Namibia23 Costa Rica24 France25 South Africa26 United Kingdom27 AustraliaOSM OpenStreetMapSource: Reporters Without Borders, not shown: Northern Cyprus, Rank: 75 (+5) points: 61,73 & Hong Kong, rank: 140 (+8) points28 Moldova29 Austria30 Trinidad and Tobago31 Belgium32 Jamaica33 Cabo Verde34 Seychelles35 Taiwan36 Spain37 Andorra38 North Macedonia39 Montenegro40 Argentina41 Italy42 Croatia43 Dominican Republic44 Tonga45 United States46 Gambia47 South Korea48 Suriname49 Armenia50 Slovenia51 Belize52 Uruguay53 Romania54 Côte d'Ivoire55 Cyprus56 Kosovo57 Poland58 Burkina Faso59 Papua New Guinea60 Guyana61 Niger62 Ghana63 Mauritius64 Bosnia-Herzegovina65 Botswana66 Liberia67 Lesotho68 Japan69 Panama70 Togo71 Bulgaria72 Hungary73 Malaysia74 Sierra Leone75 Comoros76 Northern Cyprus77 Georgia78 Guinea-Bissau79 Ukraine80 Ecuador81 Congo-Brazzaville82 Malawi83 Chile84 Malta85 Guinea86 Mauritania87 Zambia88 Mongolia89 Fiji90 Bhutan91 Serbia92 Brazil93 OECS94 Gabon95 Nepal96 Albania97 Israel98 Central African Repu 128 Mexico99 Haiti100 Maldives101 Madagascar102 Mozambique103 Paraguay104 Senegal105 Qatar106 Thailand107 Greece108 Indonesia109 Chad110 Peru111 Eswatini112 Benin113 Mali114 Burundi115 El Salvador116 Kenya117 Bolivia118 South Sudan121 Tunisia122 Kyrgyzstan123 Nigeria124 DR Congo125 Angola126 Zimbabwe127 Guatemala119 Lebanon120 Equatorial Guinea129 Singapore130 Ethiopia131 Rwanda132 Philippines133 Uganda134 Kazakhstan135 Sri Lanka136 Algeria137 Uzbekistan138 Cameroon139 Colombia140 Hong Kong141 Somalia142 Brunei143 Tanzania144 Morocco/Western Sahara145 United Arab Emirates146 Jordan147 Cambodia148 Sudan149 Libya150 Pakistan151 Azerbaijan152 Afghanistan153 Tajikistan154 Kuwait155 Oman156 Palestine157 Belarus158 Nicaragua159 Venezuela160 Laos161 India162 Djibouti163 Bangladesh164 Russia165 Türkiye166 Egypt167 Iraq168 Yemen169 Honduras170 Saudi Arabia171 Bahrain172 Cuba173 Myanmar174 Eritrea175 Syria176 Turkmenistan177 Iran178 Vietnam179 China180 North KoreaReporters Without Borders
 –  460 SEARS SPCBKMAuto Strap forfront-seat tots$188Guards your child asyou're busy drivingthrough traffic. Letshim sit, stand, kneel orsleep without disturb-ing driver. Preventsspills from suddenstops. Heavy web har-ness attaches to safetystrap that snaps to carseat frame. Removeseasily. Also use as walk-ing harness. For 1 to10-year olds. Fits anycar. Shpg. wt. 9 oz.49 G 7945.......$1.88
"Najgorsze więzienie na świecie to dom bez pokoju. Uważaj, kogo poślubiaszlub w kim się zakochujesz" – ~ Johnny Deep The worst prison in the world is a home without peace. Be carefully who you marry or fall in love with. - Johnny Depp
Uwielbiam ludzi, którzy mają dystans do siebie, zwłaszcza kobiety. To naprawdę spora sztuka mieć wyrąbane na złośliwą krytykę i przy okazji nie uważać się za 8 cud świata, gdy lecą nam na łeb szczere komplementy. – A już mega fantastycznie serio jest, gdy taki dystans do siebie ludzie, a zwłaszcza kobiety, łączą z dystansem do otaczającej rzeczywistości, do świata i pozostałych ludzi, a zwłaszcza kobiet.Takich osobników, a zwłaszczA OSOBNICZKI kocham. Bez spiny, bez pustego umoralniania, obrażania się, porównywania, without jealousy (!), fochów i jazdy jednym torem.Podziwiam księżniczki (czasem), ale kocham czarownice...
Jak ominąć cenzurę? Odpowiedź jest prosta - Minecraft – Na prośbę aktywisty z Reporters Without Borders dwudziestu czterech budowniczych z szesnastu państw świata spędziło ponad 250 godzin tworząc w Minecrafcie olbrzymią bibliotekę w stylu neoklasycystycznym. Budynek służy do zamieszczania na jego obszarze treści cenzurowanych przez władze państw.Twórcy mapy współpracują z dziennikarzami, którzy chcą aby ludzie, zwłaszcza ci młodzi, mogli zagrać sobie w Minecrafta i w ten sposób pozyskać wiedzę, do której w inny sposób nie mają dostępu
 –  Sairam Gudiseva3t periodNever has a man influenced physics so profoundly as Niels Bohr in the early 1900'sGoing back to this time period, little was known about atomic structure Bohr set outto end the obscurity of physics. However.things didn't come easy for Bohr. He had togive up most of his life for physics and research of many hypothesis. But, this is whyyou and I have even heard of the quantum theory and atomic structures. Bohr camewith his quantum theory while studying at Cambridge Bohr was a skeptic and henever truly believed in Max Planck's old quantum theory, He put forth the idea thatgoing from one high-energy orbit o a lower one, an electron could, in fact, be tryingto emit a quantum of discrete energy. Bohr was criticized for this idea, but he didn'tlet up. Soon after, Bohr said his famed quote, " If quantum mechanics hasn't shockedyou you haven't understood it yet. This quote is extremely famous and has gonedown as the motto for quantum physicist around the world. Understandably, Bohrnever won a Nobel prize outside of physics (of which he only won one). Bohr's stillgoing strong with his theories on atomic structure: he allowed for 100's of scientiststo fully experiment with the cell and its many components. Bohr was largely on therun from the Nazi's when he came up with this discovery, which is amazing becausearound this time, Bohr's home country of Denmark was invaded by the Nazi's. Bohand Ernest Rutherford are given credit, but it is believed that Rutherford decided todesert Bohr in the middle of their work Rutherford once, quite famously said thatyou should never bet against the wonders of science. Niels Bohr's famous careernever really kicked off until he was forty years old. Most other major scientists weregoing all over the world with their ideas by their early twenties However, in orderto preserve the legacy of Niels Bohr, he has his own institution, whose goal is tomake many more great strides in the field of physics for years. How did Bohr affectyou and me? Without Niels Bohrs' more advanced atomic theory, we might as wellcry over how little we know of the atoms and their compounds. Physics would havenever been such a force in the todays society. However, to this day, research is stillgoing on to improve and update the atomic theory. Although scientists clearlyto improve on Bohr's theory, many famous physicists come out publicly and openlysay that Bohr's ideas will never be improved upon, todays society cannot saygoodbye to an opportunity to improve our understanding of the sciences. If Bohrnever had silenced his critics, we would still be following Planck's theories, andgoing on incomplete information, Bohr's later life was all occupied when he decidedto go back to Denmark and head the Royal Danish Academy. His main goal was totell the world of the of the greatness of the Danish Sciences and most likely educatea new crop of scientists for years to come. There is controversy surrounding Bohr'sie during his stint in the Manhattan project. Though he claimed to be anti-violenceand a peace-seeker, Bohr engineered on the Manhattan Project. Though he didn'thurt anyone directly, thousands of people died. Neils Bohr opened many doors foryou and I in the physics world, he will go down as one of the greatest physicists
Mężczyzna wykopał 3,5 metrowy dół, bo wydawało mu się, że wykrywacz metalu coś wykrył, a to były metalowe noski jego butów – W poszukiwaniu złotego pociągu MINISTRY OF MORALE I 'Your Happiness is Our Priori Man digs 12ft deep hole without realising his metal detector was picking up his steel toe cap safety boots.
Brytyjski raper Zuby postanowił pobić kobiecy rekord świata w martwym ciągu. Jak sam deklaruje, na czas bicia rekordu identyfikował się jako kobieta – Tak więc wg. ideologii gender jest teraz rekordzistką świata w martwym ciągu 4h I keep hearing about how biological men don'[ have any physical strength advantage over women in 2019... So watch me DESTROY the British Women's deadlift record without trying. P.S. I identified as a women whilst lifting the weight. Don't be a bigot. Idl
"Witaj w piekle, mamo!". Poruszająca zemsta dzieci – Amerykanka zmarła 31 maja i po śmierci zyskała międzynarodową sławę. Wszystko przez nekrolog, który w lokalnej gazecie opublikowały jej dzieci."Bez niej świat będzie lepszym miejscem" – napisałyZdaniem jej dzieci, była bowiem wilkiem w owczej skórze. Porzuciła je i zajęła sobą. Zostawiła na wychowanie swoim rodzicom."Wreszcie zostanie osądzona" – stwierdzili po jej śmierci. W komentarzu na Twitterze dodali jeszcze:"Witaj w piekle, mamo!"."Gina i Jay nie będą za nią tęsknić"Są rany które nigdy się nie goją... Kathleen Dehmlow Kathleen Dehmlow (Schunk) was born on March 19, 1938 to Joseph and Gertrude Schunk of Wabasso. She married Dennis Dehmlow at St. Anne's in Wabasso in 1957 and had two children Gina and Jay. In 1962 she became pregnant by her husband's brother Lyle Dehmlow and moved to California. She abandoned her children, Gina Ind Jay who were then raised by her )arents in Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schunk. She passed away on May 31, 2018 in Springfield and (ill now face judgement. She will not be missed by ina and Jay, and they understand that this world is a ?tter place without her.
 – 1. coś jest nie tak - something is no yes2. powiedzieć bez ogródek - talking without little garden3. z nauką za pan brat - with science behind mister brother4. coś mi nie gra - something me not playing5. wioska zabita deskami - village killed by desks6. nie mam zielonego pojęcia -1 have no green idea7. robić wiochę - doing village8. przełamywać lody - breaking ice-creams9. dziękuję z góry - thank you from the mountain10. pierwsze koty za płoty - first cats behind fence11. nie łudź się - don't boat yourself12. dziękuję z góry - thank you from the mountain13. kwiat bzu - without flower14. wziąć nogi za pas - Take legs behind the beltTERAZ MATURA BĘDZIE ROLL WITH BUTTER!