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Heil Trump? Jakie heilowanie, to tylko stare gorące pozdrowienie od serca amerykańskich konserwatystów, obrońców rasy i tradycyjnych chrześcijańskich wartości Właśnie takim gestem ku klux klan i partia nazistowska pozdrowiły nowego prezydenta Trumpa

Właśnie takim gestem ku klux klan i partia nazistowska pozdrowiły nowego prezydenta Trumpa –  20BI12KESIDENTOF THEUNUNICORNRIOTFIRE AND FURY Nazi fanatics give Hitler salutes in front ofswastikas as they gather around the world for sick celebrations tomark Nazi leader's 129th birthdayJust hours earlier the the flag-waving mob had marched through a quiet American town in full paramilitary gearJacob DirnhuberPublished: 15:04, 22 Apr 2018 | Updated: 18:43, 22 Apr 2018Heil, Trump, the greeting with which the Ku KluxKlan and the Nazi Party welcome the presidentDonald Trump's victory, which mobilized the nationalist and white working-class vote, reinforces the collectives that warnof the decline of the white race in the country and fight immigration. The Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan and prominent voiceson the most radical right have celebrated the Republican's success and hope to be able to influence the White House. Asthe article published in The New York Times about the conference recounts, in his speech, Richard Spencer mocked theJews, cited Nazi propaganda in German and claimed that America belongs to the whites, whom he called the "sons of thesun," a race of conquerors and creators who had been marginalized but who now, in the era of President-elect Donald J.Trump, they're waking up their own identity. Donald Trump built his election campaign around the issues that matter mostto the ideology of groups like the Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan, focused among other things, on eliminating immigration.
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Liczba głosów: 748
Banksy umieścił to dzieło na ścianie w British Museum. Narysował to na kamieniu i dodał szczegółowy opis. Pracownicy muzeum zorientowali się dopiero po trzech miesiącach, że coś jest nie tak z tym eksponatem – "Ten pięknie zachowany przykład sztuki prymitywnej pochodzi z ery postkatatonicznej.Wiadomo, że artysta odpowiedzialny za to dzieło stworzył znaczną liczbę prac w południowo-wschodniej Anglii pod pseudonimem Banksymus Maximus, ale niewiele więcej o nim wiadomo.Większość dzieł sztuki tego typu niestety nie przetrwała. Większość została zniszczona przez gorliwych urzędników miejskich, którzy nie potrafią docenić artystycznej wartości i historycznej malowideł na ścianach" Wall artEast LondonThis finely preserved example of primitive artdates from the Post Catatonic era and is thoughtto depict early mas venturing towards the onof-town bunting grounds. The artist responsibleis known to have created a substantial body ofwork acro the South East of England under thenoker Banksyms Maximus but little che isKnow aben him. Most art of this type hasunfortunately not survived. The majority isdestroyed by realous municipal officials whofail to recognise the artistic merit and historicalvalue of daubing on wallsPRB 17752,2-2,1
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 –  62. M. Matyjewicz, Cultural competences of young people in the disco-poloera. Towards the pedagogy of shamelessness (in Polish). Ars Inter Culturas.7:263-272, 2018.63. D. J. Sendler, Similar mechanisms of traumatic rectal injuries in patients whohad anal sex with animals to those who were butt-fisted by human sexualpartner. J. Forensic Legal Med. 51:69 73, 2017.-64. P. Czarnek, Natural law in europe The foundation or forgotten reality (inPolish). Biul. SAWP KUL. 13:27-45, 2018.65. J. Zamana, The style of leadership of Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Retrospectiveanalysis (in Polish). Crit. Stud. 2:201-213, 2016.66. E. Kot, Cizia, dupek i poczwara: How young people are describing people(based on chosen dictionaries) (in Polish). Conv. Linguist. 7:54 61, 2013.67. K. Boleba and T. P. Bocheński, Z ciebie lania jak z kozich cycków kastaniety.Animalisms in youth's sociolect based on Miejski slownik slangu i mowypotocznej (in Polish). Maska. 22:95-110, 2014.
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