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Znalazłem 443 takie demotywatory

Posiłek tak piękny, że aż szkoda go jeść –  WITH*Sana*
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Kiedy twoje ulubione miejsce się kurczy –  When your favorite spot shrinkswith
 –  Share of population who read no books in 2022 by sexSource: Eurostat SILC [ilc_scp27]RomaniaTürkiyeCyprusSerbiaItalyMontenegroBulgariaPortugalCroatiaGreeceMaltaSlovakiaLatviaLithuania37.2%38.4%36.1%Hungary39.7%EU2739.5%Spain39.0%FemalesMales65.7%75.8%65.8%73.7%59.6%74.8%54.4%76.0%60.2%69.3%59.4%70.1%54.5%70.6%50.6%66.6%47.4%69.6%50.4%64.1%46.9%64.9%67.9%63.8%61.3%56.5%55.5%53.1%Poland33.4%59.5%Slovenia28.8%52.2%Belgium32.6%47.6%France29.3%48.3%Austria27.8%45.2%Czechia22.7%49.8%Ireland23.7%43.7%Netherlands26.0%39.6%Finland23.2%37.5%Sweden24.4%36.1%Estonia21.4%38.5%Norway21.3%36.7%Denmark20.2%35.6%Luxembourg18.7%30.6%Switzerland 14.0%25.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%50.0%60.0%70.0%80.0%Chart: @jlpobrien ⚫ Created with Datawrapper
Musk po tym, jak Taylor Swift wyraziła poparcie Kamali Harris, podpisując się jako "bezdzietna kociara" –  Elon Musk@elonmuskXFollowFine Taylor ... you win ... I will give you a child andguard your cats with my life9:46 PM 9/10/24 1.4M Views
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Złapany w pułapkę –  LOVE-ZONEDI love you too22:00CI got a tip for youIf you want to be friends with agirl, any girlTell her "I love you"Then she'll reply"Sorry, I only think of you as afriend"Tadaaaa, you got a friendI love you22:00WAIT WHAT22:01

Jak w 5 minut pozbyć się kompleksów? Zobacz Amerykanów na zakupach. To po prostu zwala z nóg (16 obrazków)

 –  Last Spring we installeda birdhouse with a solarpowered camera inside.
 –  Mom's Christmas CookiesCream: 1 cup sugar1/2 cup oleoAdd2 beaten eggs1 tsp. vanillaAdd:3 cups flour3 tsp. baking powder1 tsp. saltAdd alternately with 1 cup cream.Chill and roll out with flour.Bake 350 degrees oven, and frost-
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40 lat, 60-70 godzinny tydzień pracy – Maltretowany jako dziecko, rozwiedziony, stracił wszystko, nigdy nie był kochany, trzykrotnie chory na raka, żeby funkcjonować, dzień zaczyna od garści pigułek... ale udało mu się. Niektórzy pomimo przeciwności losu idą nadal jak czołg przez to smutne życie. Ogromny szacunek dla was wszystkich Northern Arizona UniversityTz Brand of RegentsNICOLAS ENRIQUE LORET DE MOLAwho has lymphd the Finder preted the the Segure ofBachelor of ScienceSmall Business AdministrationChawith the Right Pindy andpestisinghigh day of Mynd anddegrtyMate starting ClayPrint of the Uy
Niepodważalny dowód –  +Babe9:06Why don't you answer my CALLS?9:08I'm watching F1 with my friendsI want proof 9:099:08/0:039:100:059:10/"I0:039:10/
 –  XXValue, Beauty, and CharmFOUR BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS$11,990; $87 a Month!In Somerset Park at Levittown, New Jersey, we're buildingthe pretty house pictured above. In the two generations thatwe've been creating suburban communities, never have weproduced anything as attractive as this house.Downstairs there's a spacious living roont, a turquoisekitchen, two bedrooms, a complete bathroom, a charmingdining alcove, and an over-size garage.Upstairs there are fuco more bedrooms, another completebathroom, and some really large closets.But honestly, folks, that's only part of the story. Anybodycan build rooms. It's hose those rooms are arranged, howethey're decorated, what appliances and appurtenances theyhave, how the landscaping looks, what the community is like-it's all those things that really matter.Come on over and learn about our brand new schools, ourswimming pools, our smart shopping center, our convenienceto downtown Philadelphia (just an easy 30 minutes), our rapidtransportation facilities.With everything, this house sells for $11,990 plus aten-dollar bill for all settlement charges! That's all; not apenny more! For that you get the whole house, the plot of 65 by100 exquisitely landscaped, a General Electric refrigerator,range, and washer. Total cash required is $400-yes, just fourhundred dollars-and carrying charges are $87 a month!It's a bargain and everybody knows it. You'll need $100 withyour application, and occupancy is this Eall or later if you wish.Our Exhibit Building and six exhibit houses-priced from $11,990 to $14,490-are openseven days a week until 9 PM. Brive over and take a look. You're alraux refcom
Najważniejsze w tolerancji jest zrozumienie, że nie można oceniać jednostki na podstawie ogółu –  I'm Russianand I stand withUKRAINE4
Chyba tu nie chodziło o siatkarzy... –  Iga Swiatek has a one-word reaction tothe Polish volleyball team securing theGold medal matchOriginally posted on FirstSportz | By Fahad Hamid | Last updated 8/7/24Tennis star Iga Swiatek was thrilled as Poland reached their first volleyball Gold medalmatch in 48 years. The Polish volleyball team made a comeback from a 2-1 deficit to defeatthe United States in the semifinals.Swiatek, who won a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics, was disappointed not to achieveher dream of a Gold medal. However, she was happy to see other Polish athletessucceeding. She tweeted just one word on X to celebrate her national volleyball team'shistoric achievement.Ola! Iga Swiatek wrote on X with a medal emojiIga Świątek@iga_swiatek ObserwujXOla!1:10 PM 7 sie 202426,1 tys.Odpowiedz↑ Udostępnij
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Ten demotywator może zawierać treści nieodpowienie dla niepełnoletnich.
Funkcjonariusz policji Amjad Ditta w 16-osobowej grupie oskarżonej o wykorzystywanie seksualne dzieci –  Home UK World Business Politics Tech Science Health Family & EducationEngland Local News Regions Leeds & West YorkshireWest Yorkshire Police in ethnic minorityrecruitment drive9 May 2016hayHalifax 'grmen cPC Amjad Detais West Yorkshire Police's new "positive action coordinatorWest Yorkshire Police has appointed an officer with a brief to boost numbersof Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) people applying to join the force.Leeds & West YorkshirePolice officer Amjad Ditta ingroup charged with sexoffences1 hour ago fong 16irlsSPACEEMERGENCPolice officer Amjad Ditta is among 16 men chargedwith sex offences against childrenSixteen men including a police officer havebeen charged with historical sex offences
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