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Zdjęcia, które przybliżą ci przeszłość Ciekawe, zabawne i nostalgiczne chwile uchwycone przez fotografów (18 obrazków)

 –  The people saying that the Malinoisare not that smart has apparentlynever met a Doberman.Watch to the end!gang
Wstępne dochodzenie zaowocowało 2,4 tys. zarzutów o molestowanie i wskazaniem ponad 800 sprawców –  SAY NOPEWANTED!PHUMANNOTHEATHESAY NOPESPECIALDELIVERYSEPTICTANKTUAMI protectchild abusersfor a living!SOLIDARITY WI#TUAMBABIESTO POPEpontBurytheTruTH
 –  school shooting rni'm scaredplsi'm not jokingi love youToday 10:23 AMI'm leaving workLove you too babyWhere are youRead 10:54 AMclasssomeone's deadI just saw ambulance and policeheading that wav
Scena jak z kreskówki –  Magpie following a catpretending it's not
Kiedy zdasz sobie sprawę, że to już nie są MILFY, tylko po prostu kobiety w twoim wieku –  WHEN YOU REALIZETHAT THEY ARE NOT "MILFS" ANYMORE,THEY ARE SIMPLYWOMEN YOUR OWN AGE.
Jestem pewien, że ten kot to napisał –  MNOT LOSTSLICK OFFAM NOT LOSTFUCK OFF
Jestem gejem, a nie "osobą LGBT"! – Jestem gejem i znam mnóstwo gejów, ale ani jednego transa. Rozumiem problemy osób homoseksualnych, ale nie rozumiem ani nie utożsamiam się z problemami społeczności TRANS. Dlaczego więc wrzucono mnie do jednego wora z transseksualistami, zwanego "społecznością LGBT", a heteroseksualni trans-aktywiści twierdzą, że mnie reprezentują? miliesFaMiliesFamilies!NOT ALLPRINCESSESPANKDRESS IN50+
 –  XXValue, Beauty, and CharmFOUR BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS$11,990; $87 a Month!In Somerset Park at Levittown, New Jersey, we're buildingthe pretty house pictured above. In the two generations thatwe've been creating suburban communities, never have weproduced anything as attractive as this house.Downstairs there's a spacious living roont, a turquoisekitchen, two bedrooms, a complete bathroom, a charmingdining alcove, and an over-size garage.Upstairs there are fuco more bedrooms, another completebathroom, and some really large closets.But honestly, folks, that's only part of the story. Anybodycan build rooms. It's hose those rooms are arranged, howethey're decorated, what appliances and appurtenances theyhave, how the landscaping looks, what the community is like-it's all those things that really matter.Come on over and learn about our brand new schools, ourswimming pools, our smart shopping center, our convenienceto downtown Philadelphia (just an easy 30 minutes), our rapidtransportation facilities.With everything, this house sells for $11,990 plus aten-dollar bill for all settlement charges! That's all; not apenny more! For that you get the whole house, the plot of 65 by100 exquisitely landscaped, a General Electric refrigerator,range, and washer. Total cash required is $400-yes, just fourhundred dollars-and carrying charges are $87 a month!It's a bargain and everybody knows it. You'll need $100 withyour application, and occupancy is this Eall or later if you wish.Our Exhibit Building and six exhibit houses-priced from $11,990 to $14,490-are openseven days a week until 9 PM. Brive over and take a look. You're alraux refcom
Syryjski judoka Hasan Al-Bayan nie wrócił z Igrzysk do kraju i poprosił o azyl w Niemczech –  riaSyriaJudoka Hasan Al-Bayan, who was sent by Syria tothe Paris Olympics, did not return and applied forasylum in Germany.Gönderiyi çevir
Chyba tu nie chodziło o siatkarzy... –  Iga Swiatek has a one-word reaction tothe Polish volleyball team securing theGold medal matchOriginally posted on FirstSportz | By Fahad Hamid | Last updated 8/7/24Tennis star Iga Swiatek was thrilled as Poland reached their first volleyball Gold medalmatch in 48 years. The Polish volleyball team made a comeback from a 2-1 deficit to defeatthe United States in the semifinals.Swiatek, who won a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics, was disappointed not to achieveher dream of a Gold medal. However, she was happy to see other Polish athletessucceeding. She tweeted just one word on X to celebrate her national volleyball team'shistoric achievement.Ola! Iga Swiatek wrote on X with a medal emojiIga Świątek@iga_swiatek ObserwujXOla!1:10 PM 7 sie 202426,1 tys.Odpowiedz↑ Udostępnij
Brytyjski producent przyrządów kuchennych chwali się produkcją noży, którymi nie da się kogoś pchnąć – Ciekawe kiedy zaczną produkować noże, którymi nie można ciąć? LIFESTYLEBritish cutlery companyreleases square-tippedknives that can't stab people8 hours agoSae StrangVINERSVINERSVINERSVINERSViners says it repeatedly tested the product to ensure the tipdoes not pierce skin. Photo credit: Viners.
Komitet Olimpijski był zszokowany,ale postanowił nie zadawać pytań –  After competition he automatically wiped thefingerprints off the tool and threw the guninto the river. Olympic Commitee wasshocked but decided not to ask questions1220BBC7 8788AR19 201PARIS 2024PARIS 20TS87TURKIYE
 –  When youre landlord comes for a visitand you're not allowed pets
Kaczka założyła gniazdo w dziale ogrodniczym –  PLEASEDO NOTDISTURBDUCK NESTTHANK YOU!
Okazuje się, że są to słowa, które ta biegaczka wykrzyczała swojemu niedoszłemu gwałcicielowi w publicznej toalecie, a faliste linie to ślad gps jej ucieczki i pobicia napastnika. SZACUNEK –  NOT TODAYMHERF@#!ER
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