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Próby uratowania tankowca przed zatonięciem i potencjalną katastrofą ekologiczną są nieskuteczne.Greta: How dare you!? –  Oel TankersN 💡 WIĘCEJ
 –  school shooting rni'm scaredplsi'm not jokingi love youToday 10:23 AMI'm leaving workLove you too babyWhere are youRead 10:54 AMclasssomeone's deadI just saw ambulance and policeheading that wav
 –  Taste PolandHow much of an expert are you on Polish food?How much did you try?NEWBIEEXPERTtasteatlasPROPierogi *4.5Zapiekanka ✶3.8Kaczka z jabłkami ✶ 4.1Gołąbki ✶4.2Flaki 3.3Kluski śląskie ✶ 4.2Sernik ✶4.5Bigos 4.1Zupa ogórkowa 4.0Żurek ✶4.4Oscypek✶4.3Roladą z modrą ✶4.3kapustąWódka ✶ 3.5Krupnik✶ 3.8Goldwasser ✶4.2View all Polish food:
Kiedy zdasz sobie sprawę, że to już nie są MILFY, tylko po prostu kobiety w twoim wieku –  WHEN YOU REALIZETHAT THEY ARE NOT "MILFS" ANYMORE,THEY ARE SIMPLYWOMEN YOUR OWN AGE.
 –  Matt Pinner @Matt Pinner-12hThe last thing you ate is what you have to namehim207 1 26270lil 23KㅁWei Wu @WuWei113 1h吴伟Hello dog.
 –  I'm crying the sweetest video ever!If you are consideringgetting your dog asibling but unsure...
 –  Have you ever seenOstrich chicks?
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 –  When you ask Al to create a woman who perfectlyrepresents America ②MNdMCNo
Nikt nie będzie mi mówił, jak mam żyć –  A WARNINGNO DIVING!Shallow water.You can bepermanently injured.
Mój status związku –  I love you
Jarosław Kaczyński przekazał, że kandydat PiS na prezydenta "musi być młody, wysoki, okazały, przystojny" – Cechy takie jak inteligencja, rozsądek, wyważenie, ogłada są zbędne JarosławKaczyńskiERSTBeata SzydłoYou must to be this tallżeby być kandydatem na prezydenta 💡 WIĘCEJ

Na sklepowych półkach znajdziesz nie tylko towary, ale również urocze koty, które tam ciężko pracują (26 obrazków)

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Niepodważalny dowód –  +Babe9:06Why don't you answer my CALLS?9:08I'm watching F1 with my friendsI want proof 9:099:08/0:039:100:059:10/"I0:039:10/

Alternatywna wersja Obcego

 –  XXValue, Beauty, and CharmFOUR BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS$11,990; $87 a Month!In Somerset Park at Levittown, New Jersey, we're buildingthe pretty house pictured above. In the two generations thatwe've been creating suburban communities, never have weproduced anything as attractive as this house.Downstairs there's a spacious living roont, a turquoisekitchen, two bedrooms, a complete bathroom, a charmingdining alcove, and an over-size garage.Upstairs there are fuco more bedrooms, another completebathroom, and some really large closets.But honestly, folks, that's only part of the story. Anybodycan build rooms. It's hose those rooms are arranged, howethey're decorated, what appliances and appurtenances theyhave, how the landscaping looks, what the community is like-it's all those things that really matter.Come on over and learn about our brand new schools, ourswimming pools, our smart shopping center, our convenienceto downtown Philadelphia (just an easy 30 minutes), our rapidtransportation facilities.With everything, this house sells for $11,990 plus aten-dollar bill for all settlement charges! That's all; not apenny more! For that you get the whole house, the plot of 65 by100 exquisitely landscaped, a General Electric refrigerator,range, and washer. Total cash required is $400-yes, just fourhundred dollars-and carrying charges are $87 a month!It's a bargain and everybody knows it. You'll need $100 withyour application, and occupancy is this Eall or later if you wish.Our Exhibit Building and six exhibit houses-priced from $11,990 to $14,490-are openseven days a week until 9 PM. Brive over and take a look. You're alraux refcom
Zrozumiały powód spóźnienia do pracy –  <Boss >MessageMonday 10:57 AMWhy are you late to work??630C*%789Understandable, have a nice day++
 –  POV: you haven't seen thewoman who raised you forover 8 years
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