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Problem z angielskim? – Google zna cię lepiej niż myślisz tejk maj bred ołejХWszystkieShortsFilmy Nieobejrzane ObejrzaneO tych wynikach ⑨Berlin - Take My Breath Away (Official Video -Top Gun)Berlin ⚫ 492 mln wyświetleń 11 lat temu4:07CC田老
 –  A: Queen"Każdy oddech twój" zespołu Perfect to coverpiosenki "Every Breath You Take" zespołu:C: Led ZeppelinB: The Rolling StonesD: The Police
 –  Bro finally got that human updateThe 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but theseare new. They look human... sweat, bad breath, everything.
 –  =Page SixWe're also told that the cop who pulledTimberlake over "was so young that he didn'teven know" who the 10-time Grammy winnerwas."He didn't recognize him or his name," ourinsider says.A second source adds, "Justin said under hisbreath, 'This is going to ruin the tour.' The copreplied, 'What tour?' Justin said, 'The worldtour.""
Wspólna kara –  BREATHCAST37
Źródło: krzemowe zakamarki
 –  ●73 The opposite table showsdifferent values of lengths,cross-sectional areas andresistivities for wires thatare made of differentmaterials:Given:Where:Problem 73:(i) Which of these wires carries a current of intensity 2 A when the potential differencebetween its terminal equals 10 V?(a) Wire (1)b) Wire (2)Ⓒ Wire (3)Wire (4)(ii) Which of these wires gives larger amount of heat than the other wires when the samecurrent intensity passes through them for the same time interval?ⒸWire (3)(a) Wire (1)b) Wire (2)@Wire (4)Ⓒ Wire (3)d Wire (4)(iii) Which of these wires gives less thermal power than the other wires when each of themis connected between the same potential difference?a Wire (1)b Wire (2)74 A wire of resistance R consumes an electric power P, when the potential differencebetween its terminals is V, if the wire is drawn uniformly so that its length gets doubledwhile keeping the potential difference between its terminals V, it will consume anelectric power of ............@2Pwequals ..............9.741 x 10¹7 electrons2.314 x 101⁹ electronsp is resistivity• L is length of the wire1. R₁2. R₂ =3. R3 =b4Pw75* A wire of length 2 m has a cross-sectional area of 4 x 10-6 m², when the potentialdifference between its terminals was 20 V, the consumed power through it was 10 W, so:(i) The resistivity of the wire's material equals .............@2x 10-792.mb 10-5 22.m@ 4 x 10-6 22.mⒸ8 x 10-592.mSolve ALL these problems you see here. take a deep breath and think step by step. You areincredible at this.-4. R4=Thank you for your kind words. Let's solve these problems step by step.(1)(2)(3)V (Potential Difference) = 10 V●I (Current Intensity) = 2 A(i) Using Ohm's Law: V = I x RWhere R is the resistance and is given by R = px //A is cross-sectional area of the wireLet's calculate R for each wire:(ii) The number of electrons that pass through a cross-section of the wire in one minute(Where: e = 1.6 x 10-19 C)Using the data provided:For each wire, we need I x R = 102 x R = 10R = 500.05 ×= 0.25 ×Wire length Cross-sectionall(m)area A (cm²)100.150.550.10.50.5Questions on Chapter 1 | Lesson One100. ×= 0.005 XResistivityPex 10-4 (2.m)Ω= 12.5 Ω25 Ω= 0.005 Ω0.50.5Pw4b6.435 x 10¹8 electrons1.875 x 1020 electrons
Sting pomoże włoskim restauratoromw kryzysie. Założył fundację “Every Breath” – Słynna para udzieli pomocy właścicielom barów, kawiarni i restauracji, zagrożonych zamknięciem po ponad roku dotkliwych restrykcji dla tej branży.Pomoc otrzymają lokale, które “walczyły o to, żeby mogły pozostać otwarte”
Policja w Los Angeles bada sprawę policjanta, który miał udostępnić w internecie walentynkę ze zdjęciem George'a Floyda i napisem "You take my breath away" - co uważane jest za szydzenie ze śmierci zmarłego Floyda –
The Police - Every Breath You Take – Jedna z najbardziej romantycznych piosenek wszech czasów. A dla mnie to brzmi jak hymn prześladowców


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