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 –  aismemnsnistorismGAZAEurope.org4Torah true Jewsin Jerusalem & worldwideCONDEMNthe aggression in Al-As alwaysand the occupation of all PalesZicStateERE
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Moshe, radca prawny z Nowego Jorku pokłócił się ze swoją ciocią, która odradzała mu spotykania się z nie-żydowską dziewczyną i opublikował w internecie korespondencję z nią: Chłopak uważa się za ateistę i odpowiada ciotce:

Chłopak uważa się za ateistę i odpowiada ciotce: – "Antysemityzm nie daje prawa Żydom do bycia rasistami" ©Smiley Mo InstagramMon, Feb 19, 7:19 PMHey, you called?Yes. Would like to get togetherand talk. Heard from my kidsthat you are involved w a nornJewish girl( saw on Facebook)and would like to speak to you.I am looking for yourhappiness. Can I take you outfor dinner?What do you want to speakabout?About your choice to getinvolved w non Jewsromantically which I believe willnot bring you happiness in thelong run. This is not aconversation to be had viatexts. Can we do a mealtogether and talk in person?You do know that I've beernatheist for about 4 years nowright?© ImgurI didn't know that. Still wouldlike to talk to you about stayingJewish. Can we talk about is inperson and not via texts?What does who I marry have todo with staying Jewish?Moshe, why are you pursuingthis discussion by text. I'm wpeople now and can't do this.Please let's get togetherRespectfully, I don't thinkdinner to discuss things I'vediscussed with many people adnauseum would be productive