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Opuszczony plan WładcyPierścieni przejęły owce –  abandoned hobbiton
HOBBITON. Nowa Zelandia. – Prawdziwa MAGIA jest tutaj...
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Oryginalna pierwsza strona do Władcy Pierścieni autorstwa J. R. R. Tolkiena –  HISTOGRAFY.Dfut fernyWhen Nwhen Bibo, Son of Bungo of m faminBaggins, celebrates his eventethbirthday there was for a day or two Some talk in theneighhourhond, Se hnd/once haa a little fleetingfame among the pcople of Hobbiton and Bynnterehe had desappeoned aftor breakfastmd not rrappeoed until lunchtime on fune 22wdinthefottowing year Averyodd poceedimg forwhichhe had neve hichhewrste a nomsensical account. Afre, that he rehumedto nomal ways j and the Shaken Confidence of the defnietnas graduotly mestored popecioly s Bilbo seemed by Someimeplained hethod to have become mon tham comportoblyoff ifnot pontvely wenlthy, Indeed t wns the magni-fiomce of the party other thob the Clehng fome thatfnot catued the talk-after all that other odd business hadhoppmed Same tornly yeors bufore and was becomingacmily forgothn. Che magnficonce ofthepuporone Apoil 30llhgiven any good season, and of w
 –  funt pennyWhen NWhen Bilbo, sonn of Bungo of the famihBaggtns, ceclebrates his vens 2birthday there wvas for a day or two Some talk intheneighbourhand, Sle hadlonce haa a little fleetingfame among the people of Hobbiton and BynnterCota he haa dsappeored oftor breakfastmd not reappeoned until lunchtime on fune 22ndinthefottowing year Aeryodd proceeding forwhichhe had never given any good recson, and of whichhewrste a nomsensical account. Afre, that he rehimedto nomal ways; and the Shaken confidence of the disinictnas gradnotly restored eopeciotly os itho seemed by Someimeplained hethod to have 'becóme mon ham comoff ifnd paonnvely Wealthy. fndeed t ws Phe magni-ficence of the party rother thob the Çleehny fame rhatmot catued the talk-after all that otherodd business hadhoppmed Some toenty years before ond was becomingaly fongotn. Ohe mognificonce ofthepmporone Aml 30lhcomfoitobily