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Oryginalna pierwsza strona do Władcy Pierścieni autorstwa J. R. R. Tolkiena –  HISTOGRAFY.Dfut fernyWhen Nwhen Bibo, Son of Bungo of m faminBaggins, celebrates his eventethbirthday there was for a day or two Some talk in theneighhourhond, Se hnd/once haa a little fleetingfame among the pcople of Hobbiton and Bynnterehe had desappeoned aftor breakfastmd not rrappeoed until lunchtime on fune 22wdinthefottowing year Averyodd poceedimg forwhichhe had neve hichhewrste a nomsensical account. Afre, that he rehumedto nomal ways j and the Shaken Confidence of the defnietnas graduotly mestored popecioly s Bilbo seemed by Someimeplained hethod to have become mon tham comportoblyoff ifnot pontvely wenlthy, Indeed t wns the magni-fiomce of the party other thob the Clehng fome thatfnot catued the talk-after all that other odd business hadhoppmed Same tornly yeors bufore and was becomingacmily forgothn. Che magnficonce ofthepuporone Apoil 30llhgiven any good season, and of w


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