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Chwytliwe nagłówki i zmanipulowane informacje kontra fakty: – "Mężczyzna, który został skazany na rok więzienia za zostawienie kanapki z szynką przed meczetem został znaleziony martwy w więzieniu"."Islamski nauczyciel, który napastował seksualnie 11-letnią dziewczynkę, którą uczył Koranu nie trafił do więzienia, bo jego żona nie zna angielskiego".A wiecie jaka jest prawda?Pierwszy facet celowo wysmarował szynką klamki meczetu, prowokacyjnie wymachiwał świątobliwą flagą St. George'a oraz wyzywał wiernych. Nie został zamordowany, lecz umarł z powodu przedawkowania metadonu.Natomiast nauczyciel religii został skazany na 10 miesięcy w zawieszeniu, będzie nadzorowany przez 2 lata i zabroniono mu pracować z dziećmi na okres siedmiu lat. Porównajcie to sobie z procedurami polskiego systemu? Nie został uniewinniony z powodu słabej znajomości języka swojej żony, lecz dlatego, że żona nie potrafiłaby utrzymać szóstkę dzieci bez tej znajomości, była skazana materialnie na utrzymanie przez męża Man jailed for leaving a baconsandwich outside a mosque is founddead in prison halfway through his 12-month sentence• Kevin Crehan, 35, was found dead in his cell at HMP Bristol on Tuesday• He was serving a one-year sentence for racist attack on a Bristol mosque• Crehan and accomplices left bacon sandwiches outside the building• They also left a St George flag outside with No Mosques' written on itBy JOSEPH CURTIS FOR MAILONLINEPUBLISHED: 07:09.30 December 2016 | UPDATED: 18:37, 30 December 2016P8+10ksharesShareA man jailed after leaving bacon sandwiches outside a mosque has been found deadin his cell.669Kevin Crehan, 35, was halfway through a one-year prison sentence he received inJuly after admitting the racially-motivated attack on the Jamia Mosque in Bristolearlier this year.He was accompanied by Alison Bennett, 46, and Mark Bennett, 48, and AngelinaSwales, 31, who also pleaded guilty over the incident.Aven and Somerset ConstabularyKevin Crehan, 35, pictured, was found dead in his cell at HMP Bristol on TuesdayIslamic teacher who sexually abusedgirl, 11, as he taught her the Koranspared jail because his wife doesn'tspeak English• Suleman Maknojioa, 40, squeezed girl's chest under her prayer scarf• Attacks took place as he gave lessons in Arabic to girl and her brothers• Father of six convicted of five counts of sexual activity with a child• He was handed a suspended sentence after judge told family rely on himBy DAILY MAIL REPORTERPUBLISHED: 09:06, 18 March 20141 UPDATED: 01:44, 19 March 2014P8XShareAN Islamic teacher who repeatedlymolested a terrified girl of 11 as he taughther the Koran has escaped a jailsentence because his wife's English is sobad.Suleman Maknojica, 40, repeatedlyrubbed the youngster's leg and reachedunder the folds of her prayer headscarfto touch her chest.He was given a suspended sentencebecause the court heard the father ofsix's family were so dependent on himand he is ill with kidney problems.Maknojioa was supposed to be givingthe girl and her two brothers privatetuition,He was said to have favoured the girl andclaimed the touching was done toreassure her.But his confused victim became terrifiedwhenever lessons were due.He was finally reported to police afterthe children's mother overheard her twosons, aged 13 and seven, talking aboutthe incidents.Maknojica was a respected hafiz-ascholar of the Koran1.6kView comments10+4Copyright Cavendish PressSpared prison: Islamic teacher SulemanMah
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Czysta aryjska krew! –  Cezary „Trotyl" Gmyz #AnnoDomini... @cezarygmyz Lista najbardziej poszukiwanych Niemców międzynarodowymi listami gończymi: -Abdul Majed Remmo - Mohamed Remmo - Soheil Omid Kholossian - Jan Marsalek - Farhad Ramazan Ahmad - Poongodi Kannan - Mohamed Abdellaoui - Shakhwan Suleman Mohammed - Kastriot Selimi - Said Bahaji

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Jak dziś wygląda Nadia Suleman, która w 2009 roku urodziła ośmioraczki, mając już sześcioro dzieci:



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