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Mężczyzna natrafił na nią podczas robienia porządków w swoim domu. Wyjaśnił, że tytuł był w posiadaniu jego rodziny od pięciu pokoleń –  liiWATNE, Generstrains a meetCornwallis, &against the Inracy, 21. NoWEBB, GeneraWEBSTER, DAnegotiationWEBSTER, FLIHarrison, 45WEBSTER, LleWEBSTER, CapWEITZEL, GOT718Welcome." sWELLINGTON,WELLA, Colon416.Welsh IndianWEEYSS, MajWeroncoroneWESLET, JobWEST JOSEPWestchester,Western Virto get posscom000West Indiesto, 40, 41.West Jerseyof, 100.Weston, CoWest Point,mand of 3WEYMOUTHWeymouth,WhaleboatWHALLEY, HWHEELER, CWHEELOCK,WHEELWEICthe religiWhig andWHIPPLEnotice ofWhisky InWHITE, JOWarre, PEEngland,WHILE, CoWHITEFIELWhite PlaWife, priedWildernesWILKES, CMason alWILKINSONverbal:againstGeneraloperatioat Frend426.WILLETT,WILLIAMwar witthe AufKild'sSt. Helena Public LibraryThis book may be keptdue on the LAST day stamped below.To extend the time, the book must be broughtto the Library on or before the date due..A fine of Five Cents a day will be charged onall over-due books.FEB 21 1927>beingof1STLossingCLHistory of U.S.FREEPublic LibrarySt. Helena, Cal.A. *This book may be kepttwo weeks.For overtime, a fine of5 cents per day is in-curred.Injuries to books, andbooks lost, must be paidfor.No books will be issuedto persons in arrears forfines.Accession No. 85
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