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Ci ludzie mieli tylko jedno zadanie i koncertowo je spieprzyli (15 obrazków)

Więcej informacji:

  • 85% of employees dislike their workplace according to LinkedIn, leading many to perform the bare minimum in their jobs.
  • The subreddit "Not My Job" features humorous instances of employees doing only what is strictly required of them.
  • Louise Carnachan, an organizational consultant, discusses how micromanagement can lead to employees doing the least amount possible as a means of claiming power.
  • Common issues include: lack of training, poor communication of job scope, and inadequate resources.
  • Carnachan advises managers to clearly communicate the bigger picture and the importance of each task to avoid "Not my job" mentality.

Reasons: High levels of job dissatisfaction often lead to disengagement and minimal effort in workplace tasks.

Louise Carnachan underlines that misunderstanding and lack of adequate information often lead to unintentional mistakes.

Next Steps: Organizations should focus on improving communication, setting clear team objectives, and ensuring fair distribution of unpleasant tasks.


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