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Zdjęcia, które przybliżą ci przeszłość Ciekawe, zabawne i nostalgiczne chwile uchwycone przez fotografów (17 obrazków)

Więcej informacji:

  • Photography has long been a tool to capture important historical moments, as showcased by the Instagram account 'New Old Photos', which shares vintage images from different eras and invites people to connect with the past.
  • Professor Joshua Wilkey emphasizes the importance of viewing historical photographs critically, considering factors like context and possible manipulation, especially in the age of Photoshop.
  • Historical images can serve as powerful tools for understanding history but must be analyzed for skewed perspectives or propaganda, as seen with North Korea's portrayal through photos.
  • The Farm Service Administration used photography during the Great Depression to document the impact and garner support for the New Deal, highlighting the role of photos in political propaganda.
  • Photography during conflicts and significant events like World War II or the Cold War often served political ends, and it's crucial to distinguish between authentic representation and propaganda.

Notable individuals/quotes: Professor Joshua Wilkey on critical viewing of photos.

Key examples: North Korea and Farm Service Administration strategies using photos for propaganda purposes.


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