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 –  YOUR STATEMENTeaithCare appreciate the opportunity to caOur records show you applied for Medi-Cal or County Medical Servicecomplete and submit your application, keep all your appointments, arthat Medi-Cal or County Medical Services (CMS) requests. We are aapplication process.Please notify Sharp HealthCare immediately when you receive yourdue for services rendered remains your financial responsibility.Statement DateJuly 13, 2015SIYour payment is due:Your balance due is:July 27, 2015$153,161.25Please sendcontact Meccontact ourstatus of yoSUMMARY OF PATIENT SERVICESPHARMACYLABORATORY SERVICESINTERMEDIATE CARE ROOMINTENSIVE CARE ROOMEMERGENCY CARE SERVICES$83,341.25$22,433.00$21,225.00$17,766.00$5,564.00$1,423.00$947.00$462.00I FREQLQ. CanA. YesQ. CarA. Ye:THERAPY SERVICESRADIOLOGYSPECIAL SERVICESA. PLwip:TOTAL CHARGES$153,161.25IACCOUNT SUMMARYService DateType of ServiceAccount #07/04/15 to 07/09/15EMERGENCY-IP11-82728390Billed/Total ChargesAdjustmentsInsurance PaymentsPatient PaymentsDue From Insurance$153,161.25$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$153,161.25This is your balancePLEASE RETAIN THIS PORT


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