Momencik, trwa przetwarzanie danych   Ładowanie…
Wystarczyło jedno pokolenie "postępowych" rządów, by stabilny i dość bogaty kraj wyprowadzić na skraj wojny domowej. – Zastanów się Europo, na kogo głosujesz i w którą stronę zmierzasz. Venezuela timeline1992 Became 3rd richest country in Hemisphere1997 Became 2nd largest purchaser of F-1502001 Voted for Socialist president "Income Inequality"2004 Private healthcare is completely socialized2007 All higher education becomes "free"2009 Socialist banned private ownership of guns2012 Bernie Sanders praises their "American Dream"2014 Opposition Leaders are imprisoned2016 Food/healthcare shortages become wide spread2017 Constitution and elections are suspended2019 Unarmed citizens massacred by own governmentIt took only one generation of progressiveleadership to plunge this country into civil war


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