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 –  78 charges trumpnow faces,and prison timeCHARGECorruptly obstructing an officialproceeding (DOJ 2020 election case)Conspiracy to obstruct an officialproceeding (election case)Retention of national defenseinformation (DOJ classifieddocuments case)Conspiracy to obstruct justice(documents case)Conspiracy to threaten or oppresssomeone exercising a constitutional 1right (election case)Conspiracy to defraud the UnitedStates (election case)Withholding records from an officialproceeding (documents case)Concealing records from an officialproceeding (documents case)Concealing documents from federalinvestigators (documents case)NO. OFCOUNTS1Altering, destroying or hidingsomething sought by thegovernment (documents case)Corruptly altering, destroying orhiding something sought by thegovernment (documents case)11321111Scheme to conceal (documents case) 1Lying to the US government(documents case)111MAXIMUMSENTENCE20 years20 years10 years5 years10 years foreach count20 years20 years20 years20 years5 years5 years20 years20 years


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