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A już otwierała szampana... –  Tyyounik INIC15 godz.VAJĄ KOLEJNE PRÓBY CENZURY.Juhaskamożecie bić mi brawo! ZAMKNĘŁAM ich !!!!(NIE)hateful conductView RuleO(@Joasia Doro... 10 godz..VIOLATION FOUNDWe locked @TygodnikNIE's account for breakingour hateful conduct rule. We found they brokeour hateful conduct rule through differentreports we received about their behavior.320Tygodnik NIE@TygodnikNIEThey can't Tweet, Retweet, or Like content, andwe'll ask them to remove the reported content ifthey want to regain full access to their account.Your safety is important to us. If they break ourrules again, we'll respond with a more severeaction, like suspension.We appreciate you taking the time to submit areport and helping keep Twitter safe foreveryone.162118Tygodnik NIE @TygodnikNIE 8 godz.(NIE) No, faktycznie.114946 ili 109k***7630 ili 75,5k


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