Użytkownik otrzymał bana za: troll generujący bełkotliwe bzdury -> Uwaga! Wszystkie publikowane przeze mnie demoty są czystym bełkotem. Podane tam informacje są nieprawdziwe i nie należy ich brać na poważnie. Piszę z pomocą sztucznej inteligencji, a następnie tłumacze przez Tłumacz Google.
Ban wygasa: 2996-03-20 17:44:23
Ban wygasa: 2996-03-20 17:44:23
[demot] Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a następnie przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Pierwsze zdanie jest napisane przeze mnie "I am writing to let you know I have witnessed a crime recently.", a reszta jest wytworem sztucznej inteligencji. Mój post jest w 100% czystym bełkotem i nie należy traktować tego czegoś na poważnie. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał: I am writing to let you know I have witnessed a crime recently. The perpetrator was a cyclist, a man on a bike. He was described to me as a black man, a large black man, a very large black man. He was riding down a street in Hamilton, close to a park, and was followed by a police car that was several cars behind him. For several minutes the man followed the police car at a distance. He did not appear to be trying to cause an accident, just riding very slowly. It appeared that he was following the police car because he was concerned for the safety of the police officer. What a lovely display of public concern. And, when the man on the bike finally did pass the police car, he seemed rather nonchalant about it. As if he expected he was going to get caught, that's why he was being so patient. Which tells me he was probably not a very safe cyclist in the first place. A safe cyclist would have immediately sped up when he saw the police car. A safe cyclist would have given up his personal safety and that of his bike to save the life of the officer
[demot] Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a następnie przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Pierwsze zdanie jest napisane przeze mnie "According to guys, an ideal woman should first of all have", a reszta jest wytworem sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał: According to guys, an ideal woman should first of all have a natural sense or feeling towards men. At the same time she must not be too shallow nor short sighted and need not hide her feelings behind thickets of conceit. This is what you get when your perfect wife gets used up by society's rigid definition about how women are supposed "beautiful." For instance: A good lady may look pretty for only one week in six months but then soon after start looking stupid so that friends find her beautiful again. She will even leave those who treat them as equals with contempt and hate if they do nothing without doing it herself. This type usually has some bad luck from past relationships since people can feel insecure around this sort. But at least sometimes their wives might give birth to more children than others due mainly on jealousy because most lovers would like just 1 child! Because (almost) every man was born into his mothers husband's family before he turned 14 years old there were enough strong boys already raised together
[demot] Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a później treść została przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Tytuł jest napisany przeze mnie, a reszta zdań są kreacją sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał: You won't believe what disgusting candy they sell in supermarkets! I almost threw up when I saw it. If I'm still here next year, I'm going to have to seriously make some major changes. At least with the baby, I can just lock myself in my apartment. It'll be a nice change of pace. I wish there was a place to go for healthy, natural alternative to candy. They would never have to have chemical additives in their food again. Here's a poem I just wrote in response to a student's assignment. The poem is probably the first thing I have ever written that was coherent and well thought out. Haha. Go ahead and laugh, Mom. I'll laugh too. HALLOWEEN!!!
[demot] @TomorrowNeverKnows tak
[demot] Treść artykułu została wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję, a później treść została przetłumaczona przez Tłumacza Google. Zdania do "...kręgosłupa mężczyzny" są napisane przeze mnie, a pozostałe zdania są kreacją sztucznej inteligencji. Zamieszczam państwu oryginał: Women's brains have a lower level of intelligence than men. Why? After all, the woman was made of a man's spine which proves that her brain is male-only and therefore must be higher in IQ. The problem with this idea is that there are many more "male" bodies to choose from - at least seven hundred million people on earth right now! And they were created by humans who had evolved their sex differently as far back into the evolutionary tree as we can remember. It should come up later but I'm just going out on my own word here: There will always exist species where one gender exists too strong or weak for other females – including ourselves. This has happened so much since Darwinism turned down evolution because it did not want another way to look backwards like he said women do.
[demot] @tomek_s Cudowny artykuł!
[demot] Oczywiście treść artykułu jest wygenerowany przez sztuczną inteligencję. Przetłumaczyłem za pomocą Tłumacza Google aby umyślnie wyrazy takie jak: "riders" gdzie w tym kontekście błędnie przetłumaczyło na "jeźdźcy". Część zdań (nie)stety musiałem usunąć, ponieważ ograniczała mnie ilość znaków. Tutaj zamieszczam państwu oryginał: A year after we started this study, there have been 38 deaths of pedestrians in Finland with an average age between 15 to 18 years old (around 80% males). There are also 4 fatalities every week on Finnish roads when people under 20 years or over 60 kill themselves by jumping from cars. What is important here is that our research provides some clues about why these pedestrian crashes occur – not only for them but all those walking through urban areas who do not wear protective devices such as helmets. For example: 1) As stated above, male drivers prefer shorrter distance routes where they can pass faster than females; 2), Male bicyclists use speedies and road rage to harass female riders (2). Also, as noted previously by Richard L. Zangwill, males should make a concerted effort in their choice of training activities for which women are equally capable -- such as bicycle riding or climbing skills--to gain the appropriate experience with regard these two types thereof without facing significant penalties at this point when learning how best one could achieve an adequate level throughout his life [1]. Females would also benefit from increasing educational opportunities related solely towards safety-related subjects rather then just bike commuting because biking is no longer recognized for some time since 1960 due primarily on its perceived attractiveness only toward children's school trip.