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Magiczne zaklęcia w Polsce oczami osoby zza granicy –  art now@joyfulriversimagining a fantasy where thespells are in PolishHe raised his wand."Giń, kurwa!""Gin is a death spell," he explained."And kurwa makes every spell1000 times stronger."
 –  millajovovich Never thought a trip to the botanical gardens would make the kids so peaceful and introspective. We all wandered through the humid environment and the little ones would sit so still waiting for the fairies to come out of hiding. The girls watched the reflections of the plants and leaves in the pools of water, speaking in whispers. I took the opportunity to snap some beautiful, poignant pictures that I knew captured the mood we all felt. Some places have magic. You can feel them. Kids feel them even stronger and react in unexpected ways. My own who are usually chatterboxes just perched in out of the way places and let the garden speak to them in its warm, languorous, embracing way. And it all felt exactly as it should. And it all felt just right. Xo m
 –  Defense of Ukraine CI lir @DefenceU Ukraine government organization So, russkies, you really think you can compensate for your impotence on the battlefield with missile strikes on peaceful cities? You just don't get it do you - your terrorist strikes only make us stronger. We are coming after you. Przetlumaczone z angielski przez Google ••• Więc, ruscy, naprawdę myślicie, że możecie zrekompensować swoją niemoc na polu bitwy uderzeniami rakiet na spokojne miasta? Po prostu tego nie rozumiesz — twoje ataki terrorystyczne tylko nas wzmacniają. Idziemy po ciebie.
Andrzej Duda zamieścił wpis, w którym gratuluje udanej kampanii Joe Bidenowi – Gratulacje te wywołały burzę wśród komentujących na Twitterze i Facebooku... Andrzej Duda-w @AndrzejDudaCongratulations to @JoeBiden for asuccessful presidential campaign.As we await the nomination by theElectoral College, Poland isdetermined to upkeep high-level andhigh-quality PL-US — ^strategiepartnership for an even strongeralliance.
Duda w obcym języku tłumaczy zagranicznym mediom, że jego nagonka na LGBT to "słowa wyrwane z kontekstu" –  Andrzej Duda @AndrzejDuda 1/3 @Reuters, @nytimes, @AP, @guardian, @FinancialTimes Yet again, as part of dirty political fight, my words are put out of context. I truty believe in diversity and equality. Przetłumacz Tweeta 15:49 • 14 cze 20 • Twitter for iPhone Andrzej Duda @Andrzej Duda 2/3 @Reuters, @nytimes, @AP, @guardian, @FinancialTimes At the same time beliefs of any minority cannot be imposed on a majority under the falce pretense of tolerance. In our times Truth has become a scared little creature that hides from much stronger Correctness. Przetłumacz Tweeta 1550. 14 cze 20 • Twitter for iPhone Andrzej Duda @AndrzejDuda 3/3 @Reuters, @nytimes, @AP, @guardian, @FinancialTimes I believe in the world, where truths, such as MeToo, can have a safe platform. Where we can speak our mind, where words are not twisted. I believe in tolerance to any views, so please stop distributing fake news.