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Twierdzą, że jedna trzecia gości, która wcześniej zapowiedziała swoje przybycie nie przyszła, a za wesele zapłacili z góry i dużo jedzenia się zmarnowało –  Doug & DedraWedding Reception Royalton NegrilNo Call, No Show GuestItemDescriptionService Wedding Reception Dinner (No Show)Unit Price120.00INVOICESubtotalTotalAmount PaidBalance DueInvoice #0000001Invoice Date 08/18/2021Due Date 09/18/2021Quantity2.00Amount240.00NOTES: This invoice is being sent to you because you confirmed seat(s) at the wedding reception during the FinalHeadcount. The amount above is the cost of your individual seats. Because you didn't call or give us proper notice thatyou wouldn't be in attendance, this amount is what you owe us for paying for your seat(s) in advance. You can pay viaZelle or PayPal. Please reach out to us and let us know which method of payment works for you. Thank you!240.00240.000.00$240.00
 –  Hello mister, my name is Richard Bodoga Gubungu, living in Lagos, Nigeria. I'm a former assistant of Mr Lukasz Szumowski, the Health Minister of the Republic of Poland. The minister left an amount of $20,000,000 Polish zlotys (ca. $4,500,000 US dollars) and I'm seeking the opportunity to transfer this money to his brother's and wife's account in Switzerland. In addition to that I have 4 million of maseczki that failed to obtain proper safety certificates, despite numerous attempts. At your discretion, I'm willing to pay 20% of this amout, 4,000,000 Polish zlotys to you for your assistance and help. In addition, I'm offering a 1,000,000 of maseczki for your convenience. Please be advised that the transaction needs to be highly confidential. Contact me at
Pan Proper – Istnieje naprawdę
 –  proszę zostawić w toalecie w należytym stanie, agenci są dla dobrego samopoczucia. Dziękuję agentów obsługi. i please leave the toilet in a proper condition, the agents are for your well being. Thank you service agents.