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 –  UNDESIRABLE DISCHARGEfrom the ARMED FORCES of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA*this is to certify thatdavidwas discharged from the
"Najgorsze więzienie na świecie to dom bez pokoju. Uważaj, kogo poślubiaszlub w kim się zakochujesz" – ~ Johnny Deep The worst prison in the world is a home without peace. Be carefully who you marry or fall in love with. - Johnny Depp
 –  This place is not a place of honourNo highly esleemed deed is commemoratett here
Gdyby tego było mało, oprócz wioski o wdzięcznej nazwie „Pussy” we Francji znajdują się jeszcze takie nazwy wiosek jak: Orgy, Condom, Anus czy Bitche –
Potępienie wojny przez Bondariewa zawiera następujące stwierdzenie: "Odważna litera Z przekreślająca wszystkie nasze nadzieje i perspektywy dostatniego wolnego społeczeństwa w naszym kraju" – UN Watch wzywa teraz wszystkich innych rosyjskich dyplomatów w ONZ - i na całym świecie - do naśladowania jego moralnego przykładu i rezygnacji Statement My name is Boris Bondarev, in the MFA of Russia since 2002. since 2019 until now — Counsellor of the Russian Mission to the UN Office at Geneva. For twenty years of my diplomatic career I have seen different bons of our foreign policy, but never have I been so ashamed of my country as on February 24 of this year. The aggressive war unleashed by Putin against Ukraine, and in fact against the entire Western world, is not only a came against the Ukrainian people, but also perhaps, the most serious came against the people of Russia. with a bold letter Z crossing out all hopes and prospects for a prosperous free society in our country. Those who conceived this was want only one thing - to remain in power forever, live in pompous tasteless palaces. sad on yachts comparable in tonnage and cost to the entire Russian Navy, enjoying unlimited power and complete impunity. To achieve that they are willing to sacrifice as many lives as it takes. Thousands of Russians and Ukrainians have already died just for this. I regret to admit that over all these twenty years the level of lies and unprofessionalism in the work of the Foreign Ministry has been increasing all the time. However, in most recent years, this has become simply catastrophic. Instead of unbiased information, impartial analysis and sober forecasting, there are propaganda cliches in the spirit of Soviet newspapers of the 1930s. A system has been built that deceives itself. Minister Lavrov is a good illustration of the degradation of this system. In 18 years, he went from a professional and educated intellectual, whom many my colleagues held in such high esteem, to a person who constantly broadcasts conflicting statements and threatens the world (that is, Russia too) with nuclear weapons! Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not about diplomacy. It is all about warmongering, lies and hatred. It serves interests of few, the very few people thus contributing to further isolation and degradation of my country. Russia no longer has allies, and there is no one to blame but its reckless and ill-conceived policy. I studied to be a diplornat and have been a diplomat for twenty years. The Ministry has become my horne and family. But I simply cannot any longer share in this bloody, witless and absolutely needless ignominy.
 –  Alexander Khrebet/O...@Alex.. · 4h...#Ukraine's General Staff reported that #Russiahas lost another ship. The MP from Odesa andlocal media outlets claim it is the Russian Navypatrol ship Admiral Makarov, an AdmiralGrigorovich-class frigate.Needs to be confirmed.799167L7 1,1224,981Secrecy Envelope@bigstape...Replying to @AlexKhrebet and @gtconway3dYOU LOST ANOTHER WARSHIPIN A LAND WAR?1:11 PM · May 6, 2022 from Pennsylvania, USA · Twitterfor Android
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Rosjanie zaprojektowali je jako 'nie do zdobycia', dzisiaj sami próbują je zdobyć –  TUNNELS UNDER THESTEELWORKSDeep underground is avast network of bunkersand tunnels built duringthe Cold War to safeguardthe steel plant's40,000 workersin the event of anuclear attack
 –  Saddam Hussein 28 Apr.1937-30 Dec.2006 Age 69 ("IN illilkil Kim Jong-il 26 Feb 1942-17 Dec.2011 Age 69 Muammar Gaddafi 7 Jun.1942-20 Oct. 2011 Age 69 Vladimir Putin 7 00.1952- ? he is 69 now
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 –  kaja godek: best i can do is zdjęcia martwych płodów
Otóż, ktoś chciał wpisać w translator "meat bali", ale zrobił to "ze słuchu" i zapisał zgodnie z wymową arabską, czyli "mayit baul", co oczywiście oznacza,że Paul nie żyje –  ERBILL INTERNATIONAL HOTELPaul is dead
 –  best i can do is fuck you
 –  J @JamesHe88238595 14hJPrime ministers and who is the fourth one? O 16Wytrzeszcz@Wytrzeszcz1Replying to @JamesHe88238595 and @nexta_tvHe is the boss of all the bosses.
Wygląda na to, że Amerykanie go nie zapomną i ten dowcip będzie królował dzisiaj w Białym Domu –  Friend in need is a friend indick e-andrzej dudaPrzyjaciel w potrzebie toprzyjaciel w ku*asie- andrzej duda
Rosjanie twierdzą w swojej propagandzie, że zhakowalistronę Anonymous* – * jest tylko jedno "ale" - Anonymous nie ma swojejstrony internetowej Anonymous @YourAnonNews · Mar 9, 2022Look, it's cute pro-Russian hackers claimed to have taken down ourwebsite, the thing is, Anonymous has no official website. It's just morepropaganda on their part.Anonymous@YourAnonNewsNo, no there isn't - not on Facebook, TikToc, Instagram..Nor GAB, Tinder, Spotify or even Youtube ( the YTverified ' scamcoin one )) There is no official Anonymous web page and@YourAnonNews is only found right here on @Twitter, fornow . #AnonymousOfficial10Julian27 @Julian271987Replying to @YourAnonNewsThere is one on Deep web!5:22 AM Mar 10, 20223.4KReply S Copy link to Tweet
Czego nie rozumiecie? –  Russian Embassy, UK 0 @RussianEmbassy 114 Russia government organization FM #Lavrov: The goal of Russia's special military operation is to stop any war that could take place on Ukrainian territory or that could start from there.
Ambasada Rosji w RPA zamieściła na Twitterze kłamliwy wpis, w którym stwierdziła, że Rosja w Ukrainie "walczy z nazizmem". Szybko zareagowała na to ambasada Niemiec w tym kraju: – "- Wybaczcie, ale nie możemy tego przemilczeć, to jest zbyt cyniczne. To, co robi Rosja w Ukrainie, to zabijanie niewinnych dzieci, kobiet i mężczyzn w celu osiągnięcia własnych korzyści. Na pewno nie jest to "walka z nazizmem". Niech się wstydzi każdy, kto w to wierzy (ze smutkiem przyznajemy, że jesteśmy ekspertami w kwestii nazizmu)"- napisała Ambasada Niemiec na Twitterze Russia in RSA "".!" 0 @Emb... • 13 godz. ••• Dear subscribers, we have received a great number of letters of solidarity from South Africans, both individuals and organizations. We appreciate your support and glad you decided to stand with us today, when Russia, like 80 years ago, is fighting Nazism in Ukraine! MFA Russia tr i 9 innych Q 3461 "Li, 4179 Q 12,4k Germany in SA 0 'TGerma... -10 godz. — Sorry, but we can't stay silent on this one, it's just far too cynical. What is doing in is slaughtering innocent children, women and men for its own gain. It's definitely not "fighting Nazism". Shame on anyone who's falling for this. (Sadly, we're kinda experts on Nazism.