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 –  By Ido VockBBC Newsbbc.comDonald Tusk set toNews Opinion Sport Culture Lifestylebecome Polish primeMateusz Morawiecki losesministerconfidence vote in Polishparliament paving way forcoalition under Donald Tusk-Europe live11 December 2023, 15:20 GMTUpdated 14 minutes agoREUTERSMy ViewFollowing SavedCuropePoles pack Warsaw cinema to seeleading man Donald Tusk's rise topowerSupport us →By Kuba StrzyckiDecember 11, 20239.30AM EST- Updated 2 hours agoQ AaTheGuardianDonal risk could take office this week, puttingan enight years of rule by Law and Justice(PIS) partyAPIsrael-Hamas war Alex Jones Golden Globes 2024Poland's outgoinggovernment loses confidencevote, paving the way for anew centrist administrationKONTU1 of 19 | Poland's former president and Nobel Peace Prizewinner, LechWalesa being greeted in parliament in Warsaw, Poland. Read MorePolish parliament rejectsproposed right-winggovernment, paving way forTuskBy AFPTHE TIMES OF ISRAELISRAEL AT WAR-DAY 66Donald Tusk, a former Polish prime minister addresses supporters at hparty headquarters in Warsa, Poland, October 15, 2023 (AP Photo/PrDavid Josek)The New York TimesPoland'sElectionWhat to Know A Momentous Shift The CentristsTusk Set to Take Power inPoland After Rival Is RejectedParliament rejected a new government proposedby the caretaker prime minister, MateuszMorawiecki, whose party, Law and Justice, lostits parliamentary majority in an Octoberelection.Sharefulare
Afera wizowa dowiodła, że PiS potrafi wy****ać nie tylko obywateli swojego kraju –  tvn24NO TO THOOBERT BYPOLANDSOLD LANWE NEED TO PAY FORJUSTICEWE NEEDFAKTYANSWERSA WORKPERMITKICK THETHUGS OUT OFTHE POLISHEMBASSY INNAIROBI8 =POLAND ISROBING PAFRICANSBROAD DAYLIGHTUgandyjczycy mówią o tym, jak płacili za polskie wizy. "To sąogromne sumy"Michał Tracz/Fakty TVN
 –  78 charges trumpnow faces,and prison timeCHARGECorruptly obstructing an officialproceeding (DOJ 2020 election case)Conspiracy to obstruct an officialproceeding (election case)Retention of national defenseinformation (DOJ classifieddocuments case)Conspiracy to obstruct justice(documents case)Conspiracy to threaten or oppresssomeone exercising a constitutional 1right (election case)Conspiracy to defraud the UnitedStates (election case)Withholding records from an officialproceeding (documents case)Concealing records from an officialproceeding (documents case)Concealing documents from federalinvestigators (documents case)NO. OFCOUNTS1Altering, destroying or hidingsomething sought by thegovernment (documents case)Corruptly altering, destroying orhiding something sought by thegovernment (documents case)11321111Scheme to conceal (documents case) 1Lying to the US government(documents case)111MAXIMUMSENTENCE20 years20 years10 years5 years10 years foreach count20 years20 years20 years20 years5 years5 years20 years20 years
I wyszło na 92%, że to twór AI –  New Tab1X N The Constitution of the United S X +Your text is AI/GPT GeneratedWe the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insuredomestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure theBlessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for theUnited States of America.92.26%AI GPT*Article. ISection 1.All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shallconsist of a Senate and House of Representatives.Section 2.The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People ofthe several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of themost numerous Branch of the State Legislature.HNo Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and beenseven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that Statein which he shall be chosen.Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be includedwithin this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to thewhole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excludingIndians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three$0 commissionswith no account minimums.DELLEXTRADEfrom Morgan StanleyOpen an accountDX
Oni są tacy sami wszędzie –  Andrzej G.@EreaAndrzejJUSTICEPodczas nalotu SBU naCzerniowce, ukraiński oddziałRosyjskiej Cerkwi Prawosławnej,archimandryta Nikita zostałnakryty w łóżku z chórzystą.16:41 25 lis 22. Twitter for iPhone299 Tweety podane dalej 62 Cytaty z Tweeta
 –  IMESCUCKING MAYNTIL BLACKLIVESNNO PEACEJUSTICEO PEACEBLALIVEProtesty w Szwecji po zastrzeleniu12-letniej dziewczynki pod McDonaldempodczas wymiany ognia miedzy gangamiwe wlasnym kraju
Iran ma zapłacić zadośćuczynienie rodzinom ofiar 9/11 – Sędzia nowojorskiego sądu federalnego - George B Daniels - orzekł, że Iran ma zapłacić zadośćuczynienie rodzinom osób, które zginęły w zamachu na WTC. Zadośćuczynienia mają zostać wypłacone w następujących wysokościach:- $12.5 mln USD za zabitego małżonka- $8.5 mln USD za zabitego rodzica- $8.5 mln USD za zabite dziecko- $4.25 mln USD za zabite rodzeństwoSędzia uznał, że to Iran dostarczył "technicznego wsparcia" zamachowcom. Możliwość pozwania Iranu związana jest z amerykańską ustawą z 2016 r. - Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (Jasta).Jednocześnie przed tym samym sądem toczy się sprawa przeciwko Arabii Saudyjskiej - także oskarżonej o udział w zamachu 9/11. Jednak póki co w tej sprawie nie zapadło żadne rozstrzygnięcie.Sam wyrok ma raczej symboliczne znaczenie, bo nie ma żadnego mechanizmu prawnego, który pozwoliłby go wyegzekwować
Liczba poprawek poraża, MSZ popełnia w oficjalnym piśmie błędy gramatyczne, tłumaczy dosłownie polskie sformułowania, wprowadza polskiszyk zdania w anglojęzycznym tekście i ewidentnie tłumaczy z użyciem Google Translatora – Szef MSZ Witold Waszczykowski uważa jednak, że w tekście nie ma błędów ani merytorycznych, ani językowych i został w nim zastosowany "inny żargon językowy" MFA statement in connection with Emmanuel Macron’s declarationWe are following with interest the election campaign in France on account of the country’s significance for the future of the EU. In this context, we regret to note that once again during the presidential campaign in France, an allied country that like Poland is a member of NATO and the European Union, a candidate for the highest office in the state has used unacceptable comparisons and mental shortcuts that mislead the public opinion.The government of the Republic of Poland is not an ally of Ms. Marine Le Pen. Indicating an alleged alliance between Madame Le Pen and the chairman of Law and Justice (PiS) is a manipulation, and counting Jarosław Kaczyński among the group of "Le Pen’s friends who are violating many freedoms” is wrong and inappropriate. Values and rules of free democracy are observed in Poland. The fundamental values that have been present in the Polish political culture and tradition for hundreds of years include respect and tolerance for people who have different political views or a different faith. We would also like to recall that anyone who is familiar with the history and the domestic political scene in Poland has no right to accuse Poles of sympathies for imperial Russia.We expect that the future president of France – regardless of which candidate wins the election – will do an in-depth analysis and clarify any possible doubts in bilateral contacts before making judgements about other states’ policies. MFA Press Office
Charles Justice- Więzień, który pomagał w zbudowaniu krzesła elektrycznego w Ohio – Potem został on zwolniony, lecz powrócił po 13 latach do więzienia i został stracony 9 listopada 1911 roku na tym samym krześle, które kiedyś sam budował